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China 王新元全球艺术巡展 —— “以散带泼、自由信笔”墨意粤穗

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:众森原创  发布时间:2016-12-20 11:07:04

展讯: China 王新元全球艺术巡展 —— “以散带泼、自由信笔”墨意粤穗(澳大利亚站)

Art Exhibition World Tour - Australia Stop: Loose, Spread, Free and Flow Exhibition by Master Xinyuan Wang




Brief introduction of Master Wang Xinyuan (1972 -)

Acclaimed artist, calligrapher, art historian and curator. Born in a well educated family in Beijing, Master Wang received art art training under the guidance of a prominent contemporary Chinese painter Master Guanzhong Wu.

Delved into the styles of Master Wu Daozi, Master Zhang Daqian and Master Fu Baoshi, he blends the strengths of myriad of artists and create his unique artistic style, e.g. loose, spread, free and flow (‘以散带泼、自由信笔’).

The style of his paintings shows a great deal of contemporaneity and originality whilst at the same time maintaining some trace of traditionand it isfamous for its magnanimity with great details; blazing passion with a touch of freedom and easiness. His paintings have strong contemporaneity and artistic appeal and he has coined a unique artistic style of his own.



Principal sponsored by  Australia Guangzhou  Association Incorporated


Sunline Tek P/L










【策展人】Art Curator

麦裕良Mai Yuliang何伟棠He Weitang申小勤Shen Xiaoqin(13902323838)


Exhibition Location


Chatswood, NSW, Australia


Opening Date:

2017年1月21-22日(21-22 January 2017)


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视频媒体:搜狐视频 腾讯视频 书画频道 凤凰视频



Linda Xu

(Special thanks go to CarlGene, Tina Chen and Michael Earl for proofreading

some part of the translation)


新年伊始,万象更新,墨意粤穗,呈现悉尼。粤穗之美,自然神奇,葛仙丹灶,丹霞地貌,蓬莱仙岛有仙居,罗浮归来不羡仙。百粤峰首罗浮山,重峦叠翠祥云间,自古九观十八寺,千形万象玄又玄。丹霞环宇绝特奇,鬼斧神工自玄机。擎天一柱天地间,雄起东方丹霞山,阴阳双元得益彰,子兴孙茂遍八方,水上丹霞续文章!远眺瀑布字成川,崖峭水激奇石间,观台三处九千级,心生豪气一万里。白水寨瀑布428.5米乃内陆落差之最, 山峭石奇水美, 据传此乃八仙之何仙姑化身, 仙姑手拈白莲迎风而立, 神态安详, 雍容大方。 千年古寺梵音远, 正果流芳美名扬, 增江玉带九峰绕, 时代文风跃波涛。 印迹正果, 古风荡漾, 美食琳琅, 云吞过江, 四海名扬。 望江岸琵琶相伴, 千古之音落玉盘。 一曲解愁烦, 今夜挥毫醉墨, 意韵正果, 心已醉。人随鸟飞入云端, 俯视天池平安山, 元音古寺神龟岛, 王母遗珠乐逍遥。 平安山之美自不在语下。吕田经丰越黄瑶, 百转千回志向高, 溪清澄澈珠江过, 终行大海作波涛, 流溪河之大美矣!粤穗之地处处圣境,“以散带泼, 自由信笔” ,墨抒予胸, 意韵予怀 。艺道之路漫漫而其修远兮, 吾当上下而求索。






At the start of a new year, manifestation of nature is renewing itself. As such, we are extending our exhibition in Guangzhou to Sydney.

The beauty of this exhibition shines with the majestic power of nature in arrange of unique Danxia geomorphic features and the so called Immortal Ge’s Stove. As people put it, there is a fairyland in Mount Penglai, and yet when you come back from Mt Luofushan you don’t feeling jealous about that fairyland any more.

The exhibition includes paintings and calligraphy inspired by different natural wonders in six different locations and some of my inspiration for the wonders. These six locations are:

Mount Luofu

Mount Danxia



Mount Pingan

Liuxi River

I would like to share a few words about each of these places with you.

Mount Luofu

Mount Luofu tops the peaks amongst the mountains of Guangdong

Where it tips about the clouds with greenery laying out upon the mountain of range upon range

With nine Guans and eighteen temples since the ancient time

Where with the changes of its atmosphere, in infinite sizes and shapes it appears with mysterious natural phenomenons

Mount Danxia

Mount Danxia has some distinct wonders in the world

With mysteries created by supernature

Holding the sky, a pillar stands between heaven and earth

Voluptuously in Mount Danxia in the east

Yin and Yang consummate in harmony

With descendants colonising the four conners of the globe

Surrounding by water, Danxia will continue its legendary saga


Gazing from the distance, the waterfall drops like the character Chuan

Bustling over the steep cliffs and bashing between the rocks

The three lookouts nearby conjure up multitudinous steps

And yet I am inspired to conquer the distance

Surrounding by steep maintains, spectacular rocks and crystal waters, Beishui Waterfall has the biggest water drop, 428.5 meters, inland - the biggest difference between upstream and downstream of a fall.

As the legend goes, located at Beishuizhai, it is the embodiment of He Xian Gu, one of the Eight Immortals, who stands in the breeze holding some white lilies in complete tranquility and graceful poise.


The toll from Zhengguo, ancient temple, rings miles away

Carrying its fame

Zeng River wiggles like a jade belt through Mount Jiufeng

With peaceful life and booming economic

Inscribed Zhengguo in black ink

With ancient tradition lingering on

Gorged with gourmet food and delights

The wonton travels across the river

Making its fame worldwide

Mount Pingan

Gazed at the shore of a river while hearing the strokes of a Pipa in the air

As if the divine sound echoing

The tune of the music somewhat smoothed out my miserable mood

So I stroked my brush tonight

For the poetic rhythm of Zhengguo and self indulgence.

Wonderland in Mountain Pingan

Flying with birds, I crowned with the clouds

Lake Tianchi in Mountain Pingan flowing in my bird's eye view

With Yuanying ancient temple and Turtle King Island

As if Queen Mother of the West’s pearl in this heavenly place

Words fail me in describing the beauty of Mountain Pingan

Liuxihe River

Trickling through Lǚtian, Fengyue and Huangyao

Twisting through windy turns and yet heading to one destination

Crystal and pristine water attributes to Pearl River

Forming the splash of oceans

What a majestic Liuxihe River

Subdued by the wonderlands every where in Guangzhou and Guangdong, I present you my reflection in black ink and my excitation in poetry in my own style, ‘ loose, spread, free and flow‘.

My pursuit of art is my lifelong endeavour. I will move heaven and earth to fulfil my passion.

Xinyuan Wang

Drafted during outdoor sketching in the winter of 2016

Final draft at Yuehu Peninsula Hotel, Guangzhou at the dawn of 16/12/2016





丹霞神奇的地貌在王新元老师的笔中,融百家之长,以大胆、奇异、创新的独特风格,一气呵成的浓墨淋漓尽致表现出来。画家师承名家,深研吴道子、 张大千、 傅抱石之长,独创“以散带泼, 自由信笔”的技法,独树一帜。王新元老师的画有一种继往开来的神韵———水墨之间的冲撞,加之散锋用笔不经意间的水墨纹理,形成水墨淋漓,意境悠远的画面。王老师成竹在胸,气势磅礴的作画过程,让一切思想情绪随笔墨跃然至宣纸上。在前人的基础上,王老师通过不懈努力,发展出自己的大写意风格,应用于山水写生过程,同时,注重表现山水以神写形的意象,让人叹为观止。与王新元老师的面对面交流,给予我很多的感想和收获,让我对中国画在新时期有更大的发展充满信心,中国画代表了几千年中国艺术领域的伟大成就,是中国艺术之魂。在新的历史时期,在王新元老师等坚守中国画的艺术家们孜孜不倦的努力下,中国画一定能够取得更大的发展,走向世界,弘扬中华传统文明,散发中华文化的独特魅力。。


--麦裕良Mai Yuliang






据了解,China王新元全球艺术巡展 —— “以散带泼、自由信笔”墨意粤穗(澳大利亚站)将于2017年1月21日在澳大利亚悉尼隆重开幕,届时王新元先生创作的70余幅极具广东山水元素的书画作品将会在国际舞台展示,用其独特的笔墨语言向世界展示广东的大山名川、人文景观,从而弘扬中华文化、中华精神,讲好中国故事。



流溪河所到之处,有着积极向上的寓意,因此王新元先生在经过反复的研究、琢磨、创意、构图后,一幅栩栩如生而又独特的流溪河源头全景图“面世”。 画中的流溪河大气磅礴,岛屿用水冲墨、墨冲水“以散带泼、自由信笔”的技法描绘岛屿风貌,远山用淡墨,水赋入淡淡的青蓝,体现流溪河的清澈秀丽。





Chapter of Mountains and Waters


Root Rock of Mankind


Zen Bell Rings


Lake Tianchi in Pingan

-- 行也禅 (68㎝X138㎝)

Root Rock of Mankind


Black Ink rhythm for Zhengguo


Magical Baishuizhai


Taohua Island in Liuxi Wonderland


Heavenly Earth


Turtle King Island in Mountain Pingan

--仙姑瀑布 (68㎝X68㎝)

He Xian Gu Waterfalls


The Number One Mountain in the South of the Five Ranges


Home Bound


Must be a Fairyland


The Holland of Liuxihe River


Chapter of Calligraphy for Poetry








Rain drops at dawn

Drizzling over a mountain of dazzling verdant

With birds chanting, springs bubbling and carassius auratus fattening

Once again, chilly winter has come

And yet feels like vibrant spring yet again

--诗意正果 (138㎝Ⅹ68㎝)





The Rhythm of Zhengguo

The toll from Zhengguo, ancient temple, rings miles away

Carrying its fame

Zeng River wiggles like a jade belt through Mount Jiufeng

With peaceful life and booming economic

-- 观白水寨有感 (138㎝X68㎝)





Inspiration after lingering at Baishuizhai

Gazing from the distance, the waterfall drops like the character Chuan

Bustling over the steep cliffs and bashing between the rocks

The three lookouts nearby conjure up multitudinous steps

And yet I am inspired to conquer the distance






Oriental Erection

Holding the sky, a pillar stands between heaven and earth

Voluptuously in Mount Danxia in the east

Yin and Yang consummate in harmony

With descendants colonising the four conners of the globe






Mount Luofu

Mount Luofu tops the peak of mountains in Guangdong

Where it tips about the clouds with greenery laying out upon the mountain of range upon range

Where Ge Hong gained his immortal status

Where with the changes of its atmosphere, in infinite sizes and shapes it appears with mysterious natural phenomenons

-- 流溪河 (138x68㎝)





Liuxihe River

Trickling through Lǚtian, Fengyue and Huangyao

Twisting through windy turns and yet with determination

Crystal and pristine, attributes to Pearl River

Destining to surf in oceans

-- 仙境平安山 (138x68㎝)





Wonderland in Mountain Pingan

Flying with birds, I crowned with the clouds

Lake Tianchi in Mountain Pingan flowing in my bird's eye view

With Yuanying ancient temple and Turtle King Island

As if Queen Mother of the West’s pearl in this heavenly place


Outdoor Sketching


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